Monday, 7 November 2011

Introduction & some important concepts




Task: A task is a goal having some specific order of actions to achieve some goal and if we talk about the task analysis it is simply the method to analyze the people jobs that what are they doing why are they doing and what is the result if against their actions.
Simply in task analysis we have to analyze people or some agents that perform some work on a specific domain or application of their work system in order to obtain or achieve their goal.


The above stated diagram shows the concept of HTA i.e. hierarchical task analysis it is the concept in which we study the entire system of actions more closely how it performs action to accomplish the different task in order to achieve the goal more in this analysis we study the about what the task requirement is the environment of the task and the behavior.


The abbreviation of GOMS is Goal Operated Method of Selecting Roles where goal is what the user wants to achieve from a system or the operation they do perform and the method is about to split your goal or task into sub goals that helps to determine the things more closely “what to do” and “How to do it” and the selection of the methods at the best of his level according to accomplish the task more effectively and accurately.
Well as defined above in the definition of goms we have to follow goms rules for an interactive design of an application and to provide complete feedback for the users who have some issues regarding the application or the interface we design this goms methods solve to many problems like if there is an application or a software that records inventory and it’s a complete financial application so the user have to know that where should they start using it and how to record the inventory and other financial transaction that creates right effect to the company financial statement then we provide it some guideline no manner that it would base upon interactive video or just a help file.


The waterfall model that is in the Design process describes the waterfall model is a sequential design process, often used in software development processes, in which progress is seen as flowing steadily downwards (like a waterfall) through the phases of Conception, Initiation, Analysis, Design, Construction, Testing, Production Implementation and Maintenance.
This model describe very important things that includes the need of the system you are going to design, How the system in going to help or assist the users which you are going to design, some detailed design and usability references, then we have to test the each unit of the software because sometime the software we are going to design is performing the task in different chunks of information so we have to test each of the unit, Integration and testing in which we add some help guidelines and then error handling of the software.


The only difference of Waterfall model and Interactive system life cycle is we cannot assume the linear system feedback in the interactive system lifecycle there is a lot of feedback in this system cycle that’s why this design is different from the tradition interactive system lifecycle.
We can use this design model when we are designing any application or computerized system for any organization I think that this will help and assist the designer a lot to understand the organizational task and the behavior of the agents that are performing several different task to achieve the goal.


Stakeholders are the persons who are related to the systems success or the failure of the system the system will have many stakeholders of different types.
                                                         i.            Primary
                                                        ii.            Secondary
                                                      iii.            Tertiary
                                                      iv.            Facilitating


There are the few screenshots of the software that is Intuit Quickbooks used for record keeping and financial record keeping in organizations.


The term usability determines that how any product can be used by the users that are using this product in order to achieve some specific goals.
Here we talk about the Mobile phone so the purpose of mobile phone is to make calls and send text messages nothing except this so the main usability of the mobile phone is to make calls and sending the text messages this is the prior goal of this product. Now we come into the properties of the usability of the mobile phone i.e. a product that is a mobile a user who uses and experience the mobile phone for making calls and text messages, the task and the set of task that is similar which is defined above and the goal this is making a calls. The next thing is the criteria of usability may change or subject to change according to time and requirement for instance in late times we only have cell phone that did only task as prescribed above but now these phones turned to be an smartphone like sending mails and using the office applications as well.


There are three principals of usability that are learnability the ease of using the system and achieve the maximum from it this principal applied to the Mobile phone then the ease of using the system is that the user can easily dial numbers and the numbers are arranged in such manner that user can easily dialed it and recognize the digit printed on it as well as the character print on it that helps user to learn more quickly and also makes the product more interactive and the users are going to enjoy the usage of the product and likes such product , the second principal is Flexibility that refers how much the product is capable to perform same task in different manner like in mobile users not only communicate through voice, text now they can also communicate through variety of things like video, emails, blogs and some other social applications like facebook, twiter and msn.
The last one is Robustness that refers to the support that provides users a direction to achieve the goal or to assist them this is also available in the mobile phones now and getting more enhance day by day.

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